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Mini Protank 2 gift box

Model: MiniPT2giftbox
In Stock


Bottom coil, Pyrex glass chamer, Pure taste and Tons of smoke


The Mini Protank 2 Cartomizer is smaller version of the Kanger Protank series of bottom coil clear cartomizer, designed with replaceable parts. The heating coil, e-liquid chamber and mouthpiece on Mini Protank 2 are all replaceable. A fresh heating coil is key to the performance of a cartomizer. By replacing only the part needs changing, running cost is reduced. The Mini Protank 2 is a beautifully crafted cartomizer with chrome finish stainless steel and pyrex class chamber. This all glass no glue design helps to produces purest tastes from your favourite e-liquids.

The threading of Mini Protank 2 Cartomizer is compatible with the Elite/Elite-T series of ecigs as well as with the popular eGo/510 series of ecigs. However, we would recommend using high capacity batteries for best performance.

It is very easy to fill the Mini Protank 2 cartomizer. Please unscrew the coil base from the top end. Drip slowly along the inside wall. Take care to avoid the air venting hole in the center. Before first use, please fill e-liquid and let the Mini Protank 2 cartomizer stand on its coil base for 5-10 minutes to allow a good intake of e-liquid into the new atomizer coil. The Mini Protank 2 cartomizer holds around 1.6ml of e-liquid. Please top up when the e-liquid is running low.

When assembling your Mini Protank 2, please make sure the o-rings are in place for airtight fit. There are 2 extra o-rings in the gift box.

Product recommendations
It is essential to keep a healty supply of cartomizer heating coils. We recommend keeping 3 replacement coils at hand. Whilst every care has been taken to manufacture these devices to a high specification, due to the nature of the device the life of an cartomizer will vary from one user to the next. Please note, the cartomizer is sold with a DOA warranty only, although it can be refilled many times.

Buyer Guide: Is this cartomizer suitable for me
This device is suitable for all types of smokers. It delivers great flavour and tons of vapour and produces a very satisfying smoking experience. For new users, please read through the user guide and assemble the Mini Protank 2 accordingly.
Overall, the Mini Protank 2 is a versatile cartomizer due to it's ease of use, wide compatibility and excellent performance.

In the box

  • Mini Protank 2 clear cartomizer base unit x1
  • Heating coils x2
  • Stainless steel drip tip x1
  • Replacement o-rings x2

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